domingo, 11 de dezembro de 2016

Creative writing by Maria Kopke: Who Protects the Black Man?

Who protects the black man?
Where is this super-hero
With his shiny red cape and perfect hair
Carrying the American Dream on his back?

The black man’s super-hero
Is an invisible man.
He’s a drunken old invisible man
Who promised he’d be there
So the black man put his life on this super-hero’s hands.

Hands up Don’t Shoot I can’t breathe
The black man’s super-hero is out there, somewhere.
He comes late to the crime scene
Where the black man is lying dead.

Who protects the black man?
Where is that TV detective
With his eagle eyes and funny hat,
Bringing all injustice to an end?

The black man’s TV detective
Is a short-sighted man.
“He had a gun in his hand”, he says
Pointing to a skittles bag
And here lies another black man.

Hands up Don’t Shoot I can’t breathe
The black man’s superhero is out there, somewhere, he swears.
But the black man’s faith in men in capes and funny hats
Is wearing thin.

There’s no more time for having dreams
Of super-somethings and American Things.
So, who protects the black man?

Well, who else, if not the black man?

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