terça-feira, 6 de dezembro de 2016

Debate 7: For Generation Y (Ana Margarida, Carolina V Pinto, Fiona)

In this debate we will defend our generation, the generation Y. This generation is often seen as lazy, narcissistic and spoiled. We want to prove to the previous generations otherwise and by that we will use as arguments the fact that our generation was born surrounded by technology and therefore we can use it in ways that previous generations cannot.

            On the one hand, our generation has more capacity to participate more deeply with technology, using technology and more specifically social media to promote good things, such as voluntary work and “communicating health-related information”, (Ruth N.Bolton, page 253) and even to make a change in the world, especially when it comes to fighting for civil rights.
Arab Spring is an example of how internet usage can be beneficial. Social media played an important role here because it connected and organized groups of people that triggered massive street demonstrations. Arabian youth were the ones that shared the information among themselves, not the previous generations.

On the other hand, even though Generation Y has lived on a daily basis with technology, its presence has, definitely, good outcomes. As argued on the article “Generation Y vs Generation X on social media”, by Chelsea Rakonza, a studied showed that “Generation Yers are independent, entrepreneurial thinkers who relish responsibility, demand immediate feedback, and expect a sense of accomplishment hourly”. This means, that through the use of technology our generation was able to be more creatively active, not only on discussions on current situations, but also on the response to new forms, such as new ways of working like co-working spaces.
Nowadays the majority of businesses rely upon social networking to promote their products or activities and to strengthen their relationship with the customers. Also many companies suggest that their employers are active on their social media platforms.

When it comes to creative thinking, the Generation Y is the most creative generation that has ever existed. Being the most high-educated generation in America, they struggle to find a stable job. Young unemployment has reached levels that were never seen before and because of that Generation Y needs to figure out new ways of making a living. They use digital platforms as a way to promote their work and also to create work. Crowdsourcing, for exemple, is a model of sourcing to divide work between participants in order to get new ideas and solutions.

Generation Y is also changing their views regarding lifestyle behaviour. Today we much more likely to rent something rather than buying, whether it is a house, a car or a certain product. Owning something is not the most important thing any longer. Seeking experiences and living them is what our generation is looking forward now and that is what makes our generation really creative.

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