quinta-feira, 23 de abril de 2020

Bob Dylan and the Macrosystem (30s to 1965)

1926 - National Broadcasting System begins regular radio broadcasting
1929 - Wall Street Crash
1930s - Dustbowl (the dirty thrities)
1933-1937 - New Deal (Frank D. Roosevelt): Relief, Recovery and Reform; Roosevelt's New Deal "Farm Security Administration" (FSA) project and documentary photography
1939 - Radio Corporation of America demonstrantes television at New York Wrold's Fair

John Steinbeck, The Grapes of Wrath
1939-1945 - 2nd World War
1940 - "A Grapes of Wrath Evening" with Woodie Guthrie; Folk Protest Movement

1941 - US enters 2nd World War (Pearl Harbor)
Bob Dylan is born (Robert Zimmermann)
publication of Let Us Now Praise Famous Men (by James Agee and Walker Evans); cf. The Dustbowl and the FSA photographs' program: https://www.lightstalking.com/photography-new-deal/https://www.lightstalking.com/photography-new-deal/
1941-5 - Television technology diverted to radar
1942 - beginning of Manhattan Project
1945, August - atomic bombs of Hiroshima and Nagasaki; Franklin D. Roosevelt dies in office and is followed by Harry Truman
1948 - Alan Lomax (folklorist) edits The People's Song Book (left wing protest of the Folk Movement would subsequently be tuned down by McCarthyism
1950-1956 - McCarthyism (Eisenhower) and "Cold War"; mid 1950s - television sets enter family homes (movie attendance dropped, radio changed its focus to recorded music, the print press had to specialize)
1955-1968 - Civil Rights Movement
1955 - American involvement in the Vietnam War (lasts until 1973)
1956 - Chuck Berry's rock'n'roll thrives with "Too Much Monkey Business"

1958 - revival of Folk; Moses Ash and Pete Seegers' magazine Sing Out!
(new folk is arguably more idealistic and individualistic, while the 40s folk was more tuned with materialist orthodox communism) 
1959 - Dylan enrolls in the Univ. of Minnesotta and is acquainted with Beat Literature 
1961-1963 - JFK
1961 - Bob Dylan reaches New York in search of Woodie Guthrie; Greenwhich Village apprenticeship

JFK is elected president and faces the Bay of Pig's Incident (worse crisis of the Cold War); he also promises "The New Frontier" as his internal Government
1962 Bob Dylan's first album, Bob Dylan
1963 Newport Folk Festival and Dylan's hit song "Blowin' in the Wind" in The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1q9zea
1964 - Bob Dylan's third album The Times They Are a'changin
with "The Ballad of Hollis Brown"

... and Another Side of Bob Dylan (featuring "It Ain't Me Baby")

.... Bob Dylan and hip-hop: https://genius.com/a/10-times-bob-dylan-sounded-just-like-a-rapper

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