sábado, 5 de novembro de 2016

For your final comparative essay

Formal Guidelines
Formatting: Letter type 12, double spaced
Quotations, references and bibliography: see teacher's guidelines sent by email
Max. length: 1200 words (2 people); 1700 words (3 people) excluding bibliography

Deadline for deciding on cultural artefacts for comparison (one of them must be from pop culture): November 21
1st draft due: December 2 (in digital format)
Oral presentations: will consist of 10 min max. presentation per group with 3-5 min for feedback and will run from 7 to 14 December, starting by alphabetical order (depending on the first member of the group who has a name closer to A...). This will also be the order by which you will be receiving feedback by email.
Final version due: December 29 (printed, in the teacher's mailbox upstairs left; or, if mailbox is full, in a sealed envelope duly addressed with the security at the Faculty's entrance)

Here is the best link I could find to help you with your writing for your final essay:


I have 2 additions to make, though:

1) focus on max 1-2 well-circumscribed topics for grounds of comparison/contrast, so that you can apply the semiotic methods you have learned in this class, and which include image analysis, text and/or discourse analysis.  As such try to substantiate at least one of your grounds for comparison with detailed comparative analysis of one example of visual symbology, or textual parallelism - or analysis of other kind of codes, like aural aspects (related to listening) or kinetic (related to movement). Close, careful and critical detail is essential in order for you to develop nuanced readings and interpretations, to bring out similarities and differences between the texts (even if visual or musical texts) you are comparing, and to demonstrate your awareness of the forms, patterns, textures, resonances and, very importantly, ideological assumptions (race, gender, religion, age, class, sexuality, politics...). This might not be easy to do at length in a short essay as this, and you will have higher-order elements to analyse (e. g. plot, character, context) but try just once: for example: does a movie add or omit lines to a crucial dialogue? in which way does this change tone, appreciaton of characters, point of view?

2) writing methodology: as this is a short essay you may use either the alternating or block method for comparison

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