quinta-feira, 26 de março de 2015

Ozymandias / Adrian Veidt

1 comentário:

  1. The character that I liked the most, despite not being a fan of comic books, was Adrian Veidt or Ozymandias.
    At the beginning he inspired his life in Alexander The Great but as he pursued Alexander’s life he came to understand that he was nothing but a mere copy of Ramesses II. Veidt then turned all his attention to Ramesses II turning him into his new idol.
    What I liked the most about this character was the fact that in the end he was everything that he didn’t seem to be. He debuted as a superhero in 1958 and called himself Ozymandias, becoming part of the group Crimebusters. From then on he would be addressed to as “the smartest man on the planet”, a tittle that he didn’t mind holding despite thinking it did not correspond to the truth (as he said in his interview with Doug Roth a journalist from Nova Express).
    With the investigation of who killed The Comedian, the Night Owl and Rorschach they became aware of Ozymandias plans, making a fabulous twist in the story. They confront Adrian and he explains his reasons for doing what he has done. In my opinion, what makes this twist brilliant is the way that it is written and how everything that has happened until that point connects. I think back when I first started reading Watchmen and how it had never crossed my mind that it could have been him behind such a wicked idea. To be honest I didn’t even pay much attention to him because he was always in his corner, not intervening a lot in conversations or situations during the story. What bothers me the most is that I feel guilty because when I became aware of his plan I was shocked and really angry at it, but when I stopped to think about it, it actually makes sense because it flows accordingly with Ozymandias personality. His own way of seeing no harm in killing millions of New-Yorkers to achieve peace and ending war almost makes it “ok”. The lack of choice he leaves his superheroes friends gives him that fabulous part that was previously missing in his megalomaniac personality. He does everything so that his “helpers” don’t get killed, but also explains to them all the bad things he has done and the plan of murdering many people. They can’t expose him, if they do they will undone all the peace that has been installed in the world, that in the end was everything that they ever fought for. But being the “crimebusters” their first thought is to make him pay for his sins. They can’t kill him either due to the fact that the police will investigate it and became conscious of all the awful things that had happened and led to that ending.
    I think that Alan Moore conceived a great work, with a fascinating story that could not even be a comic book despite the fact that I understand why he needed to illustrated it. As hard as it was for me to read it, I’m glad I did. In the end, it’s a wonderful timeless story. We all have a friend like Ozymandias, who wants to bring peace to the world, that has a determination to live above everything else.

    Inês Bonito nº52457
