domingo, 27 de janeiro de 2019

HW for Feb 6 - "The Walking 99%"

Read the article by Rose Sorooshian "The Walking 99 %" and answer either of these questions (or more than one, if you so wish):

1. comment on its treatment of the following factors of analysis:

i - main argument(s)
ii - key words and key terms
iii - evidence / substantiation
iv - underlying assumptions (presuppositions)
v - audience
vi - style and tone
vii - genre

2. Comment on the composition of the following image (take a glance at the categories presented int the pages 29-32 (especially the block in p. 30)

3. What do you think of The Walking Dead under the lens of the cultural studies categories of race/ethnicity, gender, age, body (ableness), class, sexuality?