segunda-feira, 4 de maio de 2015

Apontamentos para aula de 7 de Maio (Pedro Varela) - Showrunners


Los Angeles Times columnist Scott Collins describes showrunners as:

"Hyphenates", a curious hybrid of starry-eyed artists and tough-as-nails operational managers. They're not just writers; they're not just producers. They hire and fire writers and crew members, develop story lines, write scripts, cast actors, mind budgets and run interference with studio and network bosses. It's one of the most unusual and demanding, right-brain/left-brain job descriptions in the entertainment world....[S]howrunners make – and often create – the show and now more than ever, shows are the only things that matter. In the "long tail" entertainment economy, viewers don't watch networks. They don't even care about networks. They watch shows. And they don't care how they get them.

Quando aceitei o desafio de criar uma série de TV "from scratch” não entendia na totalidade o significado do termo “Showrunner” na industria televisiva, descobri-o no processo de trabalho dos Filhos do Rock. 
A influência da cultura televisiva americana, sobretudo as séries, no meu trabalho é enorme. Séries como The Sopranos, Six Feet Under ou o recente House of Cards acabam por ser tão determinantes no meu trabalho como o background de quase duas décadas no teatro, cinema e literatura. 

Proponho o seguinte alinhamento:

- O boom na teledramaturgia americana no final da decada de 90 inicio da década de 2000. 

- As séries de televisão ambicionam o “status” do Cinema.

- TV Series “Overrated” e “Over-Hyped”.

- A internet e o futuro na produção e difusão de conteúdos originais.

- ?Showrunners em Portugal?

Deixo aqui o link para duas “rountable” com os responsáveis”Showrunners" por uma ou mais séries que possivelmente conhecem ou já ouviram falar. 

1 comentário:

  1. I think the sitcom Community is a good example to examine (NBC: 2009-2014, Yahoo! Screen 2015-...). It has a showrunner, Dan Harmon, who is invaluable for the series. The network replaced him in the show's 4th season, which was a big mistake and was not well received by the fans (the show has a big fan base that is very much involved with the making of the show). He was brought back in the following season. The show continued until 2014, when NBC canceled it. It was picked up by Yahoo! Screen (an online on-demand streaming service, with their own original content – much like Netflix and Amazon Studios), without losing many of the show's fans.
    Apart from the showrunner, fan involvement and transition to an online streaming service, the show is full of popular culture references, meta humour, great characters and witty dialogs. In my opinion, it is one of the best sitcoms currently on air.

    Sandra Kert
